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Press Releases

Guidelines for Code of Conduct

  • Author Administrator
  • Creation Date 2018-04-05
  • View 2387
1. Avoid illegal and questionable gifts and favors

- No monetary rewards from business partners (customers or suppliers, competitors) are allowed to receive regardless of amount, including cash, debt redemption, certificates of goods or any cash equivalent.

- No goods, memberships, accommodation tickets and admission tickets in principle are allowed from business partners.

In case rejecting gifts is deemed to be an offence according to general business practice, gifts or favor worthy of $30 (in total $90 per year) may be accepted after reporting to the supervisor. Gifts or favor totaling over $90 per year shall be deposited with the company.

- Promotional goods or souvenirs imprinted with company logo may be accepted from business partners.

A gift or whatsoever less than $30 may be possessed in case they are below $90 per year, you may keep them after reporting to senior managers. However, when they are over such limit, it shall be deposited with the clean centre of the company.

- Dining cost with business partner shall not exceed $20 per person.

- It is prohibited to demand business partner to bear an employee’s or his department’s meal expenses.

- Going to unsound entertainment places or gambling with business partners is prohibited.

- Employees are prohibited to ask / accept unreasonable favors from customers or suppliers, competitors, or potential competitors.

Employees are prohibited to ask / accept from business partners to share the cost and sponsorships, etc, on events which are not jointly arranged.

Employees are prohibited from receiving any transportation or accommodations from customers or suppliers, competitors, or potential competitors. If forced to receive any transportation or accommodations because of performing duties, employees shall report to the company.

- In case of happy or sad events, employees are prohibited to inform business partners of such events on purpose to collect any favors. Any favors over $90 is not allowed to receive.
- Handling procedures in accepting gifts or favors

When employees receive any gifts or favors in excess of the allowed amount, employees shall make a “CLEAN NOTICE� within three working days after receipt and report to the department in charge.

2. Avoid conflicts of interest

- Conflict of interest is defined, in our standard, as any relationship, influence or activity that might impair, or even appear to impair, your ability to make fair decisions when you perform your job.

- Immediately report to your supervisor and to the business ethcis manager when you are in a conflict of interest.

- Conflict of interest includes, but is not limited to, the following:

• Conducting business with a company owned or controlled by an employee or his/her family (except for investment purpose in a listed company).

• Conducting business with a company in which an employee’s family works as management or manager.

• Having a personal interest in a supplier or competitor.

3. Reporting of violations; non-retaliation

All employees are responsible for bringing violations of this code promptly to the attention of business ethics manager. Any employee who is found to have violated “REGULATION OF BUSINESS ETHICS� (Charter of Ethics, Code of Conduct, Guideline for code of conduct) will be subject to immediate disciplinary action.

Company Headquarter in Korea
Tel/ Fax FAX: 82-2-202-3311

All employees are strictly prohibited from engaging in retaliation, retribution, or any form of harassment directed against anyone who reports a compliance concern in good faith. Any employee who engages in such actions (including discharge, demotion, suspension, threatening, harassing, or in any other manner discriminating against a reporting person because of any lawful act done by the reporting person) shall be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal. Any instances of retaliation, retribution, or harassment against reporting persons should be brought to the attention of business ethics manager, who will investigate the matter and determine the appropriate remedies or sanctions, if any.